Patient Information

    Home / Mailing Address

    5000 max characters

    Where can you be reached during business hours?

    Insurance Information

    [group relationship clear_on_hide class:relationshipg]


    [group insured clear_on_hide]


    About Your Appointment

    Type of Visit*

    Choose Your Top 3 Preferred Dates (Monday-Thursday 8 am – 4 pm; Friday 8 am – 12 pm). Please request dates at least two weeks in the future to ensure we can accommodate. We do maintain an active waiting list for slots that become available earlier.

    Preferred Time of Day*

    What lab do you use?

    Would you like to receive future communications about LifeChoices Family
    Medical’s philanthropic efforts to provide natural, holistic and life affirming medical care in Tampa Bay?

    5000 max characters

    To process your request, we need additional documentation. Please upload a copy of your photo ID. If you have insurance, please upload a copy of the front of your insurance card and a copy of the back of your insurance card. (Please submit a horizontal photo)

    Max. 5mb max

    [group insurance-photos-group clear_on_hide]

    Max. 5mb max

    Max. 5mb max


    Only hit the SUBMIT button once. Upon receiving your completed form, your photo ID and the front and back of your insurance card (if applicable), a team member will contact you within the next 2-4 business days

    Thank you for completing the form. Our team members will get back to you either by phone or by email.

    Please fill all required fields.

    LifeChoices Family Medical is a Nonprofit in need of your support.

    Did you know LifeChoices must fundraise 30% of our annual operating costs to remain open? Learn more about our fight to protect:

    • The right to life-affirming, dignified health care for all.
    • The right to medical conscience.
    • The right of faith-based, independent clinics to exist.
    Learn More